Article of Clothing (100 words)

19 03 2008

Lime and mini with navy piping. For the junior-high dance, I set it off with gold fishnet tights, chunky heel shoes. I felt eighth-grade in even though I had skipped seventh and lived in England for sixth. My cool was more 1970 Brit than New Hampshire, but not tonight. I floated into the school auditorium, the big disco ball tossing its confetti colors, and eyes found me, me. All the girls, Jimmy MacDougall, Danny Cole, Nate Edgcomb. Peter Warren, who never looked at me, slid over, top dog, interested, and whispered, “Great dress. Too bad Polly Peasley isn’t wearing it.”



3 responses

20 03 2008
Leslie M-B

Bwahahahaha! I *love* this!

22 03 2008

So, I apologize for the fact that this comment isn’t really related to the post, but I “had” to reach you and I wasn’t sure if you would be checking your Middlebury e-mail this next week. I just wondered if you had any recommendations bookwise because I unexpectedly have extra money to spend, and as I’m going to a giant bookstore tomorrow I might as well spend it on books. If you want to take the time to send me an e-mail, my address is If not, that’s fine too.

Also, I too loved this piece.

18 06 2008

I’m pulling a Sean and also posting an unrelated comment (feel free to delete.) I’ve tried to e-mail you a couple of times and hope I’m not coming across as one of those annoying internet stalker types, but I’d love to talk with you about writing this summer and am not sure if you still have your Midd e-mail. I bought “Say Uncle” and am throughly enjoying it and have been keeping up with my reading (as a writer, of course.) I’m currently wondering if you have any good writing prompts to send my way. I’m easing back into non-fiction and revising my fiction pieces and would like to try some new ones. Thanks so much for your help, and I hope your summer is going swimmingly!

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